Tag Archives: art

Top 5 Videos of People Standing Up for Friends

1. Scene From The Breakfast Club


The group covers for Bender

2. Scene from Beverly Hills 90210

Donna Martin is not graduating with her class, and she is not allowed to take her finales, all because of a new rule.

3. Stand By Me

Gordie stands by Ace

4. Neil’s Puppet Dreams

Neil has fallen in love with a puppet but the other puppets won’t let him have her.

5.  Pippin

The finale of the musical.




Filed under Movies, Music, Television, Uncategorized

All You Need is One Person

I told my boyfriend my recent Post One Voice  and he said it reminded him very much of the The Muppet Jim Henson‘s funeral tribute. So that I wish to share with up.



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Filed under Movies, Music, Television

The Rainbow Connection

The Muppets always bring up thoughts of happiness especially with thoughts of their first movie, The Original Muppet Movie. It cannot be a coincidence that they made another movie. The song that touched my heart the most was The Rainbow Connection. I love some many songs from this movie it should be a classic.

Those thoughts have not gone away being an adult. Since Jim Henson was an adult when the movie was

composed there must have been some inspiration in his own life that making that particular movie special. They are a family and they believed in each other. They were always there for each other – Friendship. Being who you are (frog, chicken, pig, bear, and dog) and go after your dreams, and that everyone is important.

Watching The Muppet Movie or listening to the music from the Muppet Movie reminds me of that eternal youth. Having those dreams, wanting them to come true, it does not matter how old you are. Some people seem to let their age stand in the way of their youth. Then fun is all but lost. You can have that youthful zeal, watch The Muppet Movie, take responsibility, and make your dreams come true.

People can deny there is no magic, but the magic is making your dreams happen. The rainbow connection is the connection you make to your audience no matter what business you are in. The Muppets face many obstacles along the way, and by living by ones values and beliefs and sticking by them. In the end the Muppets make their dreams happen on their own terms. Its loveable! Its wacky! Its magic!



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